How Does a Condensing Gas Tankless
Water Heater Work?
Similar to other tankless models, condensing gas tankless water heaters save space and reliably deliver continuous hot water to your home. But what sets a condensing gas tankless unit apart from non-condensing technology is its second heat exchanger. The second heat exchanger captures and cools what would be wasted exhaust heat and forms it into condensation. By using the excess heat instead of venting it out, your condensing gas tankless unit conserves more energy.
State’s condensing water heater technology results in a unit receiving a Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) up to 0.95—and the unit can produce more hot water than non-condensing tankless water heaters. Alongside a 15-year limited warranty, State condensing gas tankless water heaters can reliably provide hot water to your home for years to come.